Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Due to the fact that (hopefully) the best book of the year (though i'd be happy with 2nd best after The Host) is coming out in only about 4 days, i decided to reread its predecessors. While surfing the internet, i noticed a script for Twilight. I have been a little apprehensive towards the movie based on its trailers, and was only calmed a small bit based on the trailer released at Comi-Con '08. I am very pleased to announce that I was extremely impressed with it. They obviously had to edit a lot from the book, making the feel of the Edward/Bella romance development feel a little too fast, but overall, it kept very close to the book. I didn't think I'd be quite so excited for the movie as I now am. I may even brave the Squeally, giggly fangirls to see the movie the first day. Anyway, if you check out my 'Quotes of the Day(ish)' section, you will find several quotes from Breaking Dawn that were released on Stephanie's website that i found quite entertaining and a very romantic one.

1 comment:

Pulcheria said...

I am so glad you can look forward to the movie. I am getting more excited for Breaking Dawn - so glad I have yours to read =)