Saturday, September 13, 2008

The King of Monsters Movies

I'm guessing that my title has you debating whether I am referring to Bela Lugosi or Boris Karloff. The answer is Boris Karloff; he was Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Mummy, The Ghoul, Hell, he was even the Grinch, whereas Bela was only Dracula, and not even the first Dracula at that. Yes, I know what you're thinking. . . "but Kat, Dracula is your favorite of these Monster classics," and you're right. But Bela is a girl's name (or at least it is in America), not a boy's. Anyway, I am glad to introduce you to Boris. Here He Is!

Yes, now you know the reason for his being named Boris. . . He's a Halloween Black Cat! "How did I get him?" you may ask. And the answer is, yet again, he was dumped here. If you look at him, other than his green eyes, inside of his ears and mouth, he is entirely black, even down to the pads of his feet. He is also the most cuddly cat ever! Unfortunately, he has a very large tummy, despite the fact that if you pet him, you can feel every one of his bones. This could be as simple as him having worms, or as serious as him being infected with the same virus that killed Bombi. The poor thing also has something wrong with his left back leg causing him to limp.

We're guessing he's about the same age as Leo was when he was dropped off, but he could be older because he has all of his teeth, which could also mean he's younger and he just hasn't lost his yet. Personally, I am guessing older because although he's abouth the same size as Leo was, Leo's Maine Coon heritage makes him a bigger cat in general than normal cats. Also, Leo didn't quite have all of his teeth yet when we found him.

If you're wondering exactly how I found this one, here's the story: I was out bringing Buttercup in from her day of the Great Outdoors when I heard this pitiful and very scared meowing. It was coming from around Leishman's property, so I was afraid that Leo was stuck in their garage or up a tree or something so I call for him and start walking in the direction of their house. I was looking over there when I noticed a small black creature on the sidewalk starring right at me. At that point, I was seriously freaked out because of my history. I figured out that Leo was probably fine and was probably in our garage. Then the black kitten started its incredibly loud crying again. I was torn between running inside and helping the poor thing as it came towards me, meowing the entire time. It started running and the light reflected in it's eyes making them flash. This scared the crap out of me, so I started running to the house. The cat followed me, so I stopped and watched its progress. This time, my bravery kicked in and I was able to crouch down and stick my hand out. At first, the cat was skittish, kind of avoiding my hand when, all of the sudden, it rushed at me. I was too shocked to do anything, frozen by my flashback to when I was a kid, but my fear was stupid. The cat just rubbed against my hand, purring very loudly. I picked up the sweet little thing and walked into the basement where Mom, Beck, and Josh were waiting for me. The first words out of my mouth were, "Mom, it's not my fault. I promise!"

So that's Boris' story. Isn't he cute?!

1 comment:

Pulcheria said...

He is adorable!! I hope you can get him healthy soon! Give him a hug from us!