**SPOILER ALERT** If you have not seen 28 Days Later, this post will make no sense to you. Before you read this, get a babysitter, drink an energy drink, drive to your local video store, it doesn't matter, but whatever you do, WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!!! It's great and then you'll be able to share your views on this topic.
I was so impressed with the movie I took the time to research viruses, especially those of the airbourne and/or bodily-fluid-passed on gender. In my research, I found some interesting material.
The whole "Rage Virus" scenario in my mind is extremely likely to happen. It's not as much of a 'what if?' as it is a 'when?'.
Medically speaking, if certain parts of the left hemisphere, temporal lobe, and amygdala were bombarded through virus with mutated mitochondria that made electrolytes look like double A batteries compared to a generator. Viruses are living things, and thus evolve...and because their life cycle is so much shorter than that of humans or higher animals, they mutate faster....based on this: yes, this sort of "Rage Virus" could potentially be created. But no virus on the planet has ever shown that particular kind of mutation.
Has anyone ever thought about a mutated or scientifically altered (a.k.a. messed up) version of RABIES? Even though we have a treatment for it if you go in almost immediately after you're bitten, rabies actually has a lot of the same symptoms of the rage virus. It can be past on by saliva, blood, and other bodily fluids AND from species to species, people, dogs, rats, monkeys, bats, nearly everything. Infected become photophobic, in that they are extremely sensitive to light. It causes dementia if not treated, a person would forget they are a person, they may think that people are trying to help them, they may even think that people are out to get them, or even that humans were food. It also causes increased aggression, infected family pets have attacked their owners without provocation, spreading rabies to them. The only aspects of rabies that don't fit are that it causes paralysis, or at the least stiffness and trouble walking, and the infected usually die in about 10 days due to dehydration because can't drink or speak. However, if somehow the virus mutated or was altered scientifically for some God forsaken reason, we could have a pretty scary disease on our hands.
Plus if the US Department of Defense actually considers building a 'Gay Bomb' (which is an interesting weapon on its own scale URL Link: http://www.news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/4174519.stm), it's not that much of a reach to think that they would go so far as to weaponize rage in a way similar to that in the movie.
I'm not saying that anyone infected will die and then come back to life, that's just idiotic, besides, in the movie the 'zombies' don't die, they just go insane with rage. I'm also saying that unlike in the movie, it would take longer than a minute to become fully infected. I'm no doctor, but I'd think that you would probably start out just irritated, then grow fully grumpy, finally progressing to madness in a longer incubation period, possibly taking at least a day or two to fully change you.
It is probable going that within the next 50 years biotechnological advances will be madi that will enanabe us to make a weapon that turns humans into homicidal maniacs. A variety of hormones and brain areas are involved in aggression. A virus that activated and deactivated certain parts of the brain could probably lead to an extreme aggression level.
Think about it: before WWII, people didn't think that nuclear weaponry atomic bombs were possible, now almost every country is working on biological warfare.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Best of the Best
Well, seeing as how we are only one day away from my personal favourite holiday, here's a little list of the best scary movies to get you in the mood for this delectably spooky day!
1. Donnie Darko -- this movie is AMAZING. The best part is how it's not a horror movie, instead it's more psychological and leaves you thinking about it when it's over. It takes place on/around Halloween, which is why it made this list. {FYI: anyone who even tries to put this movie in a category didn't understand it.}
2. Pyscho -- this is probably my favourite Alfred Hitchcock movie. Anthony Perkins plays his role so well, its freaky.
3. Disturbia -- this movie is great. It has everything: humor, drama, romance, a great leading man (both in the looks and acting categories), and a believable feel to it. Honestly, if you only want to watch one of anything in this list, choose this.
4. The Crow -- this movie is the best gothic-horror movie i have ever seen. It has an original plot, and its characters are believable (for the most part), and it just rocks. The soundtrack is also awesome, by the way
1. Shaun of the Dead -- this hilarious british masterpiece is an homage to all other zombie movies, so it's predictable, and, due to its british writers, doesn't hold back on the language.
2. 28 Days Later -- this is the BEST zombie movie of all time. It has amazing acting, writing, everything about this rocks; it's kind of like Children of Men with a horror-edge. It's not just a zombie movie, it's a survival story, a psychological thriller, it's just amazing. It is an entirely new and original zombie movie that will change the way you feel about this genre. (If you were like me, before Shaun and this, they were luke-warm at best.)
1. Scream -- this is probably the best horror movie that is high school/college age-based. One reason it rocks is that it's based on a real story. Another is that it doesn't take itself seriously; it pokes fun at other horror movies. And, it's not just a blood-bath, it has an actual storyline.
1. Donnie Darko -- this movie is AMAZING. The best part is how it's not a horror movie, instead it's more psychological and leaves you thinking about it when it's over. It takes place on/around Halloween, which is why it made this list. {FYI: anyone who even tries to put this movie in a category didn't understand it.}
2. Pyscho -- this is probably my favourite Alfred Hitchcock movie. Anthony Perkins plays his role so well, its freaky.
3. Disturbia -- this movie is great. It has everything: humor, drama, romance, a great leading man (both in the looks and acting categories), and a believable feel to it. Honestly, if you only want to watch one of anything in this list, choose this.
4. The Crow -- this movie is the best gothic-horror movie i have ever seen. It has an original plot, and its characters are believable (for the most part), and it just rocks. The soundtrack is also awesome, by the way
1. Shaun of the Dead -- this hilarious british masterpiece is an homage to all other zombie movies, so it's predictable, and, due to its british writers, doesn't hold back on the language.
2. 28 Days Later -- this is the BEST zombie movie of all time. It has amazing acting, writing, everything about this rocks; it's kind of like Children of Men with a horror-edge. It's not just a zombie movie, it's a survival story, a psychological thriller, it's just amazing. It is an entirely new and original zombie movie that will change the way you feel about this genre. (If you were like me, before Shaun and this, they were luke-warm at best.)
1. Scream -- this is probably the best horror movie that is high school/college age-based. One reason it rocks is that it's based on a real story. Another is that it doesn't take itself seriously; it pokes fun at other horror movies. And, it's not just a blood-bath, it has an actual storyline.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Geometry: part deux
To my immense relief and amazement, i received an A in Geometry. This is especially surprising seeing as how i got an F on a quiz last week. But have no fear, my ability to see into the minds of others has helped me, my psychic connection with Pulcheria especially.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
TRANSFORMERS 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dreamworks has already said it's fake. But it's still a cool good read though.
Transformers 2: AKA The Decepticons Strike Back Story Details?
Written by IESB Staff Monday, 08 October 2007
Earlier today, I received a pdf entitled “Treatment for Transformers 2” and man it’s awesome.
We questioned its authenticity and since then we have been told that it is 100% fake.
Too bad since it’s pretty good start for the sequel. It’s interesting to note that Countingdown.com posted a story on this and a few details but the post was removed pretty quickly. Countingdown is owned by Dreamworks.
Hmmm…this is a reason why there was some thought of this being legit. But, most likely it’s just a pitch that was submitted for story ideas for the sequel and this isn’t what they will be going with. Regardless, we thought we would write up the story details on the treatment and post them anyways because it is just so damn good.
RED FLAG, it’s pretty much everything that a fanboy/girl wants…it must be a fake. Since the studio says it’s fake, we have decided to let you see it for yourself.
It's a very "Empire Strikes Back"-like story.
Here are the details:
Now that MEGATRON is out of the picture, STARSCREAM returns to CYBERTRON to take over the DECEPTICONS and become their leader, which most are cool with, MEGATRON was getting a little to tyrannical for their tastes.
With the ALLSPARK destroyed, CYBERTRON is headed toward certain doom. An energy source has been located on Earth that can save their world and STARSCREAM and his DECEPTICONS are determined to rob Earth of it.
MEGATRON still has a loyal faction with SOUNDWAVE as the leader who are determined to resurrect MEGATRON, head off STARSCREAM and get the energy source for themselves.
There is a spy amongst them, HOT ROD gathers intel and returns to Earth to report to OPTIMUS PRIME and the AUTOBOTS about the plans of the two DECEPTICONS factions.
SOUNDWAVE and his army gain control of the NEMESIS and escape the battle with STARSCREAM. They head to Earth.
Back on Earth, SAM WITWICKY has gone off to college in New York with BUMBLEBEE in tow. MIKAELA is still in California with Prime and the other AUTOBOTS.
SOUNDWAVE and the NEMESIS arrive on Earth and plunge into the ocean. An aircraft carrier is capsized from the force and the NEMESIS scans and transforms into a carrier with the DECEPTICONS on board transforming into various military vehicles.
SOUNDWAVE is a high-priest in MEGATRON’s court and is a healer of sorts and will be the one to bring his lord MEGATRON back to life. They find him in the ocean’s depth and the resurrection begins.
HOT ROD has returned to Earth, he gives PRIME and the others the lowdown on the plans and tells them the coordinates of the secret energy source located on Earth. It’s none other than Las Vegas.
After a quick street race with BUMBLEBEE and SAM being the winners (of course) SAM is notified of the imminent invasion and heads to Las Vegas. SAM’s Asian dorm roommate named SHIGE who is with him is unknowingly in for the ride of his life!
We are given some background on the First Seven here, who were introduced in the first film. Apparently, they managed to harness the energy of the ALLSPARK into a secondary source that will provide energy for generations. This energy orb is located underground spanning from Las Vegas to the Hoover Dam, this is what the DECEPTICONS are after.
In Las Vegas, MIKAELA finds Agent SIMMONS at the Luxor, the access point for the energy orb located beneath it. An evacuation plan is put into action for Vegas and the military is called in. They meet up with ELLISON a descendent of one of the original seven who knows more than he should. Next, we are given some details on how the giant robots are brought to life. The ALLSPARK gave them their life but something called The MATRIX gave the robots their soul. That’s why the cell phone little robot in the first one was evil to begin with, it hadn’t been given a soul after coming to life. It has been passed down through the years with the ORDER OF THE PRIMES and OPTIMUS is the one currently in possession of it in his chest.
Though SOUNDWAVE has brought MEGATRON to life, he needs the energy of The MATRIX to make his resurrection complete, for now, MEGATRON is dependent on SOUNDWAVE for his energy.
SAM, BUMBLEBEE and SHIGE are the only ones headed West bound to Vegas as people are pouring out due to the evacuation. Up ahead are six construction vehicles who begin to transform. They fit together to form one, DEVASTATOR. This monstrous robot begins to chase after SAM and crew.
Help arrives in the form of ULTRA MAGNUS and his team who help SAM get away and get to Vegas where the other AUTOBOTS and the US Defense has gathered to stop the invasion.
STARSCREAM and his army are seen dropping to Earth. They are headed off by some AUTOBOTS in the sky. They fall to the ground fighting.
The DECEPTICONS continue to attack and they have a new force field around them that the militaries high heat rounds have no effect on.
ULTRA MAGNUS, SAM and team arrive in Vegas. Magnus and crew join the fight. SAM heads down into the bunker where MIKAELA, SIMMONS, ELLISON and others are hiding.
SKORPONOK returns and burrows his way into the underground tunnels/bunker where they are hiding, also where the energy orb is located.
The military is awaiting reinforcements and they arrive in the form of jets and what not. The pilots are about to start dropping bombs when their aircraft begin to transform, they have been compromised and MEGATRON and his loyal army are on the move.
With the war turning badly for the AUTOBOTS, ELLISON and SIMMONS know there is only one thing left to do. Atop the Stratosphere is a Sector Seven EMP that is waiting to be activated in times just as these.
ELLISON and the EMP team, escorted by AUTOBOTS, are headed to the EMP to activate it. SOUNDWAVE intercepts the plans and heads out to stop it. The EMP team is struck down and only ELLISON is left. But he is in no condition to get to the top of the tower, SAM and MIKAELA go it alone getting instruction via walkie-talkie from ELLISON.
A DECEPTICON tries to stop SAM and MIKAELA and creates a gap that SAM cannot get over, MIKAELA must go to the top by herself. MEGATRON then unleashes a missile attack on the Stratosphere and there is a huge explosion, MIKAELA and everything including the EMP are gone.
SOUNDWAVE lets out a pulse that blows everyone to the ground, including OPTIMUS PRIME, and quickly rips Prime’s chest open to unveil the MATRIX. He takes it and heads to MEGATRON. MEGATRON is given the MATRIX and the resurrection is now complete. MEGATRON turns his sights to STARSCREAM who needs a serious ass kicking.
Robot on robot action at it’s best, jet on jet, MEGATRON vs. STARSCREAM. MEGATRON quickly defeats STARSCREAM and makes an example of him by dragging him through the streets by his wires and crucifying him for all to see all the while he narrates a call to STARSCREAM loyalists to come and avenge him and fight MEGATRON’s army.
AUTOBOTS are on the retreat. STARSCREAM loyalists on CYBERTRON rocket off to fight MEGATRON on Earth and the DECEPTICONS surround the energy orb. Things are looking really bad.
SAM blames PRIME for MIKAELA’s death and is shattered. Prime is being carried on ULTRA MAGNUS’ trailer, alive, barely. HOT ROD, feeling to blame, heads back to the Stratosphere to see if there is anything salvageable. Luckily, when MIKAELA fell she fell on top of a DECEPTICON and his force field which saved her. As he dies and the field goes away, she wakes up and sees the destruction. The journey has just begun…
Transformers 2: AKA The Decepticons Strike Back Story Details?
Written by IESB Staff Monday, 08 October 2007
Earlier today, I received a pdf entitled “Treatment for Transformers 2” and man it’s awesome.
We questioned its authenticity and since then we have been told that it is 100% fake.
Too bad since it’s pretty good start for the sequel. It’s interesting to note that Countingdown.com posted a story on this and a few details but the post was removed pretty quickly. Countingdown is owned by Dreamworks.
Hmmm…this is a reason why there was some thought of this being legit. But, most likely it’s just a pitch that was submitted for story ideas for the sequel and this isn’t what they will be going with. Regardless, we thought we would write up the story details on the treatment and post them anyways because it is just so damn good.
RED FLAG, it’s pretty much everything that a fanboy/girl wants…it must be a fake. Since the studio says it’s fake, we have decided to let you see it for yourself.
It's a very "Empire Strikes Back"-like story.
Here are the details:
Now that MEGATRON is out of the picture, STARSCREAM returns to CYBERTRON to take over the DECEPTICONS and become their leader, which most are cool with, MEGATRON was getting a little to tyrannical for their tastes.
With the ALLSPARK destroyed, CYBERTRON is headed toward certain doom. An energy source has been located on Earth that can save their world and STARSCREAM and his DECEPTICONS are determined to rob Earth of it.
MEGATRON still has a loyal faction with SOUNDWAVE as the leader who are determined to resurrect MEGATRON, head off STARSCREAM and get the energy source for themselves.
There is a spy amongst them, HOT ROD gathers intel and returns to Earth to report to OPTIMUS PRIME and the AUTOBOTS about the plans of the two DECEPTICONS factions.
SOUNDWAVE and his army gain control of the NEMESIS and escape the battle with STARSCREAM. They head to Earth.
Back on Earth, SAM WITWICKY has gone off to college in New York with BUMBLEBEE in tow. MIKAELA is still in California with Prime and the other AUTOBOTS.
SOUNDWAVE and the NEMESIS arrive on Earth and plunge into the ocean. An aircraft carrier is capsized from the force and the NEMESIS scans and transforms into a carrier with the DECEPTICONS on board transforming into various military vehicles.
SOUNDWAVE is a high-priest in MEGATRON’s court and is a healer of sorts and will be the one to bring his lord MEGATRON back to life. They find him in the ocean’s depth and the resurrection begins.
HOT ROD has returned to Earth, he gives PRIME and the others the lowdown on the plans and tells them the coordinates of the secret energy source located on Earth. It’s none other than Las Vegas.
After a quick street race with BUMBLEBEE and SAM being the winners (of course) SAM is notified of the imminent invasion and heads to Las Vegas. SAM’s Asian dorm roommate named SHIGE who is with him is unknowingly in for the ride of his life!
We are given some background on the First Seven here, who were introduced in the first film. Apparently, they managed to harness the energy of the ALLSPARK into a secondary source that will provide energy for generations. This energy orb is located underground spanning from Las Vegas to the Hoover Dam, this is what the DECEPTICONS are after.
In Las Vegas, MIKAELA finds Agent SIMMONS at the Luxor, the access point for the energy orb located beneath it. An evacuation plan is put into action for Vegas and the military is called in. They meet up with ELLISON a descendent of one of the original seven who knows more than he should. Next, we are given some details on how the giant robots are brought to life. The ALLSPARK gave them their life but something called The MATRIX gave the robots their soul. That’s why the cell phone little robot in the first one was evil to begin with, it hadn’t been given a soul after coming to life. It has been passed down through the years with the ORDER OF THE PRIMES and OPTIMUS is the one currently in possession of it in his chest.
Though SOUNDWAVE has brought MEGATRON to life, he needs the energy of The MATRIX to make his resurrection complete, for now, MEGATRON is dependent on SOUNDWAVE for his energy.
SAM, BUMBLEBEE and SHIGE are the only ones headed West bound to Vegas as people are pouring out due to the evacuation. Up ahead are six construction vehicles who begin to transform. They fit together to form one, DEVASTATOR. This monstrous robot begins to chase after SAM and crew.
Help arrives in the form of ULTRA MAGNUS and his team who help SAM get away and get to Vegas where the other AUTOBOTS and the US Defense has gathered to stop the invasion.
STARSCREAM and his army are seen dropping to Earth. They are headed off by some AUTOBOTS in the sky. They fall to the ground fighting.
The DECEPTICONS continue to attack and they have a new force field around them that the militaries high heat rounds have no effect on.
ULTRA MAGNUS, SAM and team arrive in Vegas. Magnus and crew join the fight. SAM heads down into the bunker where MIKAELA, SIMMONS, ELLISON and others are hiding.
SKORPONOK returns and burrows his way into the underground tunnels/bunker where they are hiding, also where the energy orb is located.
The military is awaiting reinforcements and they arrive in the form of jets and what not. The pilots are about to start dropping bombs when their aircraft begin to transform, they have been compromised and MEGATRON and his loyal army are on the move.
With the war turning badly for the AUTOBOTS, ELLISON and SIMMONS know there is only one thing left to do. Atop the Stratosphere is a Sector Seven EMP that is waiting to be activated in times just as these.
ELLISON and the EMP team, escorted by AUTOBOTS, are headed to the EMP to activate it. SOUNDWAVE intercepts the plans and heads out to stop it. The EMP team is struck down and only ELLISON is left. But he is in no condition to get to the top of the tower, SAM and MIKAELA go it alone getting instruction via walkie-talkie from ELLISON.
A DECEPTICON tries to stop SAM and MIKAELA and creates a gap that SAM cannot get over, MIKAELA must go to the top by herself. MEGATRON then unleashes a missile attack on the Stratosphere and there is a huge explosion, MIKAELA and everything including the EMP are gone.
SOUNDWAVE lets out a pulse that blows everyone to the ground, including OPTIMUS PRIME, and quickly rips Prime’s chest open to unveil the MATRIX. He takes it and heads to MEGATRON. MEGATRON is given the MATRIX and the resurrection is now complete. MEGATRON turns his sights to STARSCREAM who needs a serious ass kicking.
Robot on robot action at it’s best, jet on jet, MEGATRON vs. STARSCREAM. MEGATRON quickly defeats STARSCREAM and makes an example of him by dragging him through the streets by his wires and crucifying him for all to see all the while he narrates a call to STARSCREAM loyalists to come and avenge him and fight MEGATRON’s army.
AUTOBOTS are on the retreat. STARSCREAM loyalists on CYBERTRON rocket off to fight MEGATRON on Earth and the DECEPTICONS surround the energy orb. Things are looking really bad.
SAM blames PRIME for MIKAELA’s death and is shattered. Prime is being carried on ULTRA MAGNUS’ trailer, alive, barely. HOT ROD, feeling to blame, heads back to the Stratosphere to see if there is anything salvageable. Luckily, when MIKAELA fell she fell on top of a DECEPTICON and his force field which saved her. As he dies and the field goes away, she wakes up and sees the destruction. The journey has just begun…
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Welsh Baby Names
Aneira-truly golden
***Addien (possible nickname: Attie ;)-beautiful
**Arlais-from the temple
**Bethan-for of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated from God
Branwen-beautiful, a holy raven
**Ceridwen (possible nickname: Carrie ;)-poetry
Dai-beloved/adored one
Delyth-neat and pretty
***Eiddwen-white as snow
Eluned- a waterfall
Eurwen-fair and golden
Guivevere-fair and soft
**Isolde (pronounced i zol' day) (possible nickname: Izzy ;)-the fair one
Keyna-a jewel
Megen-a pearl
Olwen-white/fair footprints
Serian- sparling
Valimai-a mayflower
Vevay-white wave
Wynne-fair and blessed
* remember that 'dd' is pronounced like 'th', also remember to roll your "r's", especially if it is 'rr'
**my and mom's personal favorites
***Addien (possible nickname: Attie ;)-beautiful
**Arlais-from the temple
**Bethan-for of Elizabeth, meaning consecrated from God
Branwen-beautiful, a holy raven
**Ceridwen (possible nickname: Carrie ;)-poetry
Dai-beloved/adored one
Delyth-neat and pretty
***Eiddwen-white as snow
Eluned- a waterfall
Eurwen-fair and golden
Guivevere-fair and soft
**Isolde (pronounced i zol' day) (possible nickname: Izzy ;)-the fair one
Keyna-a jewel
Megen-a pearl
Olwen-white/fair footprints
Serian- sparling
Valimai-a mayflower
Vevay-white wave
Wynne-fair and blessed
* remember that 'dd' is pronounced like 'th', also remember to roll your "r's", especially if it is 'rr'
**my and mom's personal favorites
Friday, October 12, 2007
WHO NEEDS IT?!?!?! The only reason this ineffectual subject exists is to make the geniuses of the world feel like complete idiots, and the lesser people commit suicide. The world needs more useful subjects, like study hall, and less emo kids. I guarentee that if peoples demolished this piece of shit subject, there would be less fucking emo!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
My First Post!
SO, this is my first post! Jan, this is your doing, and thank you for suggesting it! For those of you that know me, i may or may not remember to keep updating this site. If there's a period where I forget, email me, and push me to post again.
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